Being grateful for the daily small miracles

In my last post I talked about switching from a negative outlook to a positive one. Megan commented on one of her techniques for doing that - a gratitude list. I find that listing out the things I'm grateful for really does help me feel more positive, happy, and yes - grateful.

I wrote about increasing gratitude before if you'd like some tips on making room for gratitude in your life. I also want to share something I've tried to do lately that has increased my gratitude and helped me focus on the positive things in my life.

Every evening I like to reflect back on the day. I try to remember the positive things that have happened, and think about the things I am grateful for that day. I also look for the little 'miracles' that occur daily.

For example, yesterday I was backing out of a friend's driveway. Her driveway is narrow and has ditches on each side. See where this is going? Yes, I backed up right into a ditch and got stuck. :( But it was a miracle to me that we got the car out quickly and safely. I'm grateful that (so far!) I didn't seem to cause any damage to the car. (We haven't noticed anything, anyway.) But even if there is damage, I'll still be grateful that it was a small accident and that no one was hurt.

There's always something to be thankful for; there will always be tiny miracles happening in our lives every day. If we aren't paying attention, we may not even notice them. Take some time to reflect today on the miracles in your life. Even better, write them down so you can get a positive boost every time you read it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the shout-out! I love it! (Grateful for it, actually!!)

I'm reading Robert Emmons' book right now, "Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier." He has an interesting take on the subject that I encourage anyone interested in psychology to read.

I love your suggestion to give thanks for those little everyday miracles. That's where the bulk of our life happens - those often overlooked moments that, when recognized and appreciated, make a world of difference in all realms of our being (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical).

Glad your car's ok, and thanks for this post --- it's such a great topic!

Holli Jo said...

:) Thanks for your comment, Megan. That book sounds fascinating - I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks again for your support of my blog.

Anonymous said...

No matter how good or how bad a situation turns out to be, as long as we feel grateful, good stuffs will reach us soon. :)

Thanks for sharing

Holli Jo said...


Thanks for commenting. I totally agree. Gratitude can get us through hard times, and it makes the good times even sweeter.

Thanks again for taking time to comment.